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IDTitle of StrategyMarkets TradedInstruments AvailableComplexityBacktest Period SourceBacktest LengthIndicative PerformanceVolatilityMaximum DrawdownSharpe Ratio
728Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
55Pairs Trading with Country ETFsequitiesETFsModerately complex strategy1996-20091420.6%10% 1.66
219Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
1004Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
311Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
342Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
639Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
72Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
526Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
28Value and Momentum Factors across Asset Classesbonds, equities, REITsETFs, funds, futuresSimple strategy1986-20072211.9%10% 0.79
983Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
516Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
517Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
318Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
549Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
314Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
7Low Volatility Factor Effect in StocksequitiesstocksComplex strategy1986-20062111.3%10.1% 0.72
450Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
453Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
830Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
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