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IDTitle of StrategyMarkets TradedInstruments AvailableComplexityBacktest Period SourceBacktest LengthIndicative PerformanceVolatilityMaximum DrawdownSharpe Ratio
101Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
102Option-Expiration Week EffectequitiesCFDs, ETFs, futures, stocksSimple strategy1988-2010239.3%8.7% 0.61
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104Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
105Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
106Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
107Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
108Soccer Clubs’ Stocks ArbitrageequitiesstocksModerately complex strategy2000-2006742%50% 0.76
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110Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
111Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
112Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy         
113January BarometerequitiesCFDs, ETFs, funds, futuresSimple strategy1857-200815210.38%16.8% 0.38
114January Effect in StocksequitiesCFDs, ETFs, funds, futuresSimple strategy1947-20076112.7%   
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118Time Series Momentum Effectbonds, commodities, currencies, equitiesCFDs, futuresModerately complex strategy1965-20094520.7%15.74% 1.31
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