Get Trading & Strategy Ideas Browse more than 500 attractive trading systems together with hundreds of related academic papers.
IDTitle of StrategyPeriod of RebalancingNumber of InstrumentsMarkets TradedInstruments AvailableComplexityIndicative PerformanceConfidence in AnomalyKeywords
121Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy        
122Momentum Factor Combined with Asset Growth EffectMonthly1000equitiesstocksComplex strategy16.77%Strongequity long short, factor investing, fundamental analysis, momentum, momentum in stocks, smart beta, stock picking
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124Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy        
12512 Month Cycle in Cross-Section of Stocks ReturnsMonthly1000equitiesstocksModerately complex strategy8.6%Strongequity long short, factor investing, seasonality, smart beta, stock picking
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129Dollar Carry TradeMonthly10currenciesCFDs, forwards, futures, swapsSimple strategy5.6%Strongcarry trade, forex system, FX anomaly
130Investment FactorYearly1000equitiesstocksComplex strategy3.54%Moderately Strongequity long short, factor investing, fundamental analysis, smart beta, stock picking
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132Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy        
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135Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy        
136Residual Momentum FactorMonthly200equitiesstocksComplex strategy9.18%Strongequity long short, factor investing, momentum, momentum in stocks, smart beta, stock picking
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138Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy        
139Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy        
140Ramadan EffectMonthly14equitiesETFs, fundsSimple strategy6.7%Strongmarket timing, seasonality
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