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IDTitle of StrategyPeriod of RebalancingMarkets TradedIndicative PerformanceVolatilityKeywords
15Momentum Factor Effect in Country Equity IndexesMonthlyequities17.7% country picking, factor investing, momentum, rotational system, smart beta
16Reversal Effect in International Equity ETFs3 Yearsequities6.4% country picking, factor investing, reversal, rotational system, smart beta
78Betting Against Beta Factor in International EquitiesMonthlyequities6.8%13.08%beta factor, country picking, equity long short, factor investing, smart beta
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164Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
165Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
207Value Factor – CAPE Effect within CountriesYearlyequities14.7%26.1%country picking, factor investing, rotational system, smart beta, value
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