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IDTitle of StrategyPeriod of RebalancingMarkets TradedIndicative PerformanceVolatilityKeywords
98Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
102Option-Expiration Week EffectWeeklyequities9.3%8.7%market timing, seasonality, stock picking
106Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
108Soccer Clubs’ Stocks ArbitrageDailyequities42%50%alternative data, arbitrage, reversal, short selling, stock picking
109Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
112Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
114January Effect in StocksMonthlyequities12.7% seasonality, stock picking
115Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
116Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
117Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
119Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
122Momentum Factor Combined with Asset Growth EffectMonthlyequities16.77%13.84%equity long short, factor investing, fundamental analysis, momentum, momentum in stocks, smart beta, stock picking
123Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
124Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
12512 Month Cycle in Cross-Section of Stocks ReturnsMonthlyequities8.6%12.2%equity long short, factor investing, seasonality, smart beta, stock picking
126Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
127Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
128Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
130Investment FactorYearlyequities3.54% equity long short, factor investing, fundamental analysis, smart beta, stock picking
136Residual Momentum FactorMonthlyequities9.18%15.27%equity long short, factor investing, momentum, momentum in stocks, smart beta, stock picking

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