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IDTitle of StrategyPeriod of RebalancingMarkets TradedIndicative PerformanceVolatilityKeywords
141Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
142Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
143Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
144Trend-following Effect in StocksDailyequities19.3%15.6%momentum, momentum in stocks, stock picking, trend-following
145Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
146Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
147Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
148Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
149Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
150Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
151Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
152Momentum Factor Effect in REITsMonthlyREITs9.51% factor investing, momentum, smart beta, stock picking
153Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
154Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
155Momentum and Reversal Combined with Volatility Effect in StocksMonthlyequities16.46%19.22%equity long short, factor investing, momentum, momentum in stocks, smart beta, stock picking, volatility effect
156Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
157Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
158Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
159Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
160Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
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