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IDTitle of StrategyPeriod of RebalancingMarkets TradedIndicative PerformanceVolatilityKeywords
12512 Month Cycle in Cross-Section of Stocks ReturnsMonthlyequities8.6%12.2%equity long short, factor investing, seasonality, smart beta, stock picking
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130Investment FactorYearlyequities3.54% equity long short, factor investing, fundamental analysis, smart beta, stock picking
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134Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
136Residual Momentum FactorMonthlyequities9.18%15.27%equity long short, factor investing, momentum, momentum in stocks, smart beta, stock picking
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138Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
139Upgrade your subscription to see this strategy     
140Ramadan EffectMonthlyequities6.7% market timing, seasonality
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144Trend-following Effect in StocksDailyequities19.3%15.6%momentum, momentum in stocks, stock picking, trend-following
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