
How to Paper Trade Quantpedia Backtests

18.November 2022

Quantpedia’s mission is simple – we want to analyze and process academic research related to quant/algo trading and simplify it into a more user-friendly form to help everyone who looks for new trading strategy ideas. It also means that we are a highly focused quant-research company, not an asset manager, and we do not manage any clients’ funds or managed accounts. But sometimes, our readers contact us with a request to help them to translate strategy backtests performed in Quantconnect into paper trading or real-trading environment. The following article is a short case study that contains a few useful tips on how to do it.

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A Simple Approach to Market-Timing Strategy Replication

11.November 2022

In previous articles, we discussed the ideas behind portfolio replication with market factors. However, overall robustness of the results suffers significantly if the model portfolio or trading strategy we attempt to synthetize is driven by a market-timing model. We do not know the rules driving the underlying strategy we could apply ourselves beforehand. Furthermore, there is no simple mechanism of market-timing rule detection we could potentially utilize in our regression model. Hypothetically, we could include a variety of market-timing strategies into the factor universe. But since there are countless market-timing methods, covering everything is simply unrealistic. Particularly in context of historic factor universe construction. In an attempt to capture the effects of underlying timing rules, we came up with a simple approach to address this problem to a somewhat satisfactory extent.

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The Worst One-Day Shocks and The Biggest Geopolitical Events of the Past Century

11.July 2022

We dedicated several articles to how we created 100-year history for bonds, stocks, and commodities . Now we analyze the 50 worst one-day shocks and the following days in each of the abovementioned asset classes. In addition to that, we also look at how the multi-asset trend-following strategy performed during the same periods. Further, the second part of this article focuses on critical geopolitical events (the starts of major wars, international crises, and deterioration of US presidents’ health) and their effect on bonds, stocks, commodities, and the multi-asset trend-following strategy.

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Investor Sentiment and the Eurovision Song Contest

24.June 2022

The summer is slowly approaching; therefore, our new article will be on a little lighter tone. We will examine a research paper on a periodic event with sentiment implications. The authors (Abudy, Mugerman, Shust) focused on a specific song competition – the Eurovision Song Contest, an international song competition organized annually. They examined a positive swing in investor mood in the winning country the day after the Eurovision Song Contest and documented an average abnormal return of 0.381%. On the contrary, they did not find any negative sentiment in other participating countries.

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Are There Seasonal Intraday or Overnight Anomalies in Bitcoin?

18.February 2022

At Quantpedia, we love seasonality effects, and our screener includes several strategies that exploit them. These anomalies are fascinating since they usually offer a favorable risk and reward ratio and are commonly invested only during short periods. Frequently, these strategies are valuable additions to portfolios because they are not that sensitive to overall market performance. This short article presents a brief examination of some possible Bitcoin seasonalities.

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Periodicity in Cryptocurrencies – Recurrent Patterns in Volatility and Volume

11.January 2022

The high-frequency data in cryptocurrency markets is available at any time of the day, which facilitates the studies of periodicity measures beyond what’s possible in other markets. The research paper by Hansen, Kim, and Kimbrough (2021) investigates the periodicity in volatility and liquidity in two major cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ether, using data from three exchanges, Binance, Coinbase Pro, and Uniswap V2. In particular, the authors measure relative volatility and relative volume across days, hours, and minutes. Their results have confirmed the presence of recurrent patterns in volatility and volume in studied cryptocurrencies for the periods day-of-the-week, hour-of-the-day, and within the hour.

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