Asset allocation

Estimating Stocks-Bonds Correlation from Long-Term Data

29.October 2023

There are a few concepts in the world of finance that are taken for granted, and one of them is the free lunch of diversification. Investors like to mix stocks and bonds into a simple allocation portfolio and hope for better outcomes than investing in just one asset. But the favorable return-to-risk profile of those asset allocation strategies relies on the low correlation between those two asset classes, which, as we will see from today’s contribution, we can’t take for granted. We hope the recent study sheds more light on this topic.

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Hello ChatGPT, Can You Backtest Strategy for Me?

18.October 2023

You may remember our blog post from the end of March, where we tested the current state-of-the-art LLM chatbot. Time flies fast. More than six months have passed since our last article, and half a year in a fast-developing field like Artificial intelligence feels like ten times more. So, we are here to revisit our article and try some new hacks! Has the OpenAI chatbot made any significant improvement? Can ChatGPT be used as a backtesting engine? We retake our risk parity asset allocation and test the limits of current AI development again!

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Are Commodities a Good Investment? It Depends on the Country

22.September 2023

In recent years, the diversification potential of commodities has come under scrutiny. While the majority of studies examining the role of commodities in a portfolio typically focus on U.S. investors or those dealing primarily with U.S. dollar-denominated assets, Dequiedt et al. (2023) offer a unique perspective by considering the viewpoint of domestic investors in a sample of 38 developed and emerging countries. The study explores the relationship between diversification benefits of commodities for local investors and country’s level of commodity risk exposure. Findings reveal that incorporating commodities tends to enhance the Sharpe ratio of the optimal domestic asset portfolios in most countries with low commodity dependence but doesn’t benefit highly commodity-dependent ones.

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Are Funds Flows Influenced by Mortality?

14.April 2023

Countries from the majority of the developed world face one challenge: Their population is steadily aging; the average age of individuals has been rising over recent periods. The United States is not different in this sense. Whenever there’s a never-inevitable reaching of higher ages, people reconsider their choices and often cut on riskier ones. So, is there a potential link between demographic changes associated with aging and aggregate financial market outcomes?

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Can We Backtest Asset Allocation Trading Strategy in ChatGPT?

31.March 2023

It’s always fun to push the boundaries of technology and see what it can do. The AI chatbots are the hot topic of current discussion in the quant blogosphere. So we have decided to test OpenAI’s ChatGPT abilities. Will we persuade it to become a data analyst for us? While we may not be there yet, it’s clear that AI language models like ChatGPT can soon revolutionize how we approach to finance and data analysis.

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Is Gold a Safe Haven? It Depends on the Country

24.March 2023

If you’re a regular reader of our blogs (and we hope you are!), you would not miss that we like to touch macro-economic subjects. One of that never-fading topics is the role of gold as a crisis hedge. The probably most known commodity is a popular choice for a portion of the total portfolio, from small investors to central banks, for various reasons (be it diversification or hedging). So let’s not further delay it, and today we ask: Is gold really a safe haven?

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