Machine learning

Does the Image-Based Industry Classification Outperform?

18.February 2025

For decades, investors and analysts have relied on traditional industry classifications like GICS, NAICS, or SIC to group companies into sectors and peer groups. However, these rigid categorizations often fail to capture the evolving nature of businesses, especially in an era of technological convergence and rapid industry shifts. Machine learning (ML) offers a more dynamic and data-driven alternative by analyzing company visuals—such as logos, product images, and branding elements—to identify similarities that go beyond predefined classifications. A recent study applies this approach to construct new industry groupings and tests them in industry momentum and reversal. The results show that ML-generated groups lead to superior performance, once again highlighting the potential of image-based classification in financial analysis.

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Design Choices in ML and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns

17.December 2024

For those who have not yet had the chance to read it, we recommend the latest empirical study by Minghui Chen, Matthias X. Hanauer, and Tobias Kalsbach, which shows that design choices in machine learning models, such as feature selection and hyperparameter tuning, are crucial to improving portfolio performance. Non-standard errors in machine learning predictions can lead to substantial portfolio return variations, and authors are highlighting the importance of robust model evaluation techniques.

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The Impact of Methodological Choices on Machine Learning Portfolios

4.November 2024

Studies using machine learning techniques for return forecasting have shown considerable promise. However, as in empirical asset pricing, researchers face numerous decisions around sampling methods and model estimation. This raises an important question: how do these methodological choices impact the performance of ML-driven trading strategies? Recent research by Vaibhav, Vedprakash, and Varun demonstrates that even small decisions can significantly affect overall performance. It appears that in machine learning, the old adage also holds true: the devil is in the details.

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The Expected Returns of Machine-Learning Strategies

29.July 2024

Does the investment in sophisticated machine learning algorithm research and development pay off? It is an important question, especially in light of the increasing costs related to the R&D of such algorithms and the possibility of decreasing returns for some methods developed in the more distant past. A recent paper by Azevedo, Hoegner, and Velikov (2023) evaluates the expected returns of machine learning-based trading strategies by considering transaction costs, post-publication decay, and the current high liquidity environment. The obstacles are not low, but research suggests that despite high turnover rates, some machine learning strategies continue to yield positive net returns.

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Impact of Business Cycles on Machine Learning Predictions

15.April 2024

As an old investing adage goes, “Everybody’s a genius in a bull market.” It is easy to fall victim to the Dunning-Kruger effect, where attribution bias makes us mistake our luck for abilities. When the business cycles change, there are great problems with precise stock price predictability. And this is not the only problem for humans, who are baffled by many mental heuristics. Machine learning algorithms experience similar problems, too. What is happening, and why is it so? A new paper by Wang, Fu, and Fan gives an explanation and proposes some remedies …

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Gauging Existing Technical Fundamental Features through Mutual Information

16.February 2024

Investing truly is an intense intellectual undertaking. For a Portfolio Manager (PM) to execute an investment, they must first convince themselves, then others, that the rationale behind the investment is sound. The variables they utilize in developing their rationale are of the upmost importance; These variables inevitably serve as a foundation in the evaluation of a given Asset, and therefore possess the power to influence a PM’s level of confidence in the investment. If a variable is weak, it can lead to a poor diagnosis of the asset in question, which can lead to unfavorable results on a given investment. If a variable is strong, then it will indeed provide insight into asset and therefore help paint a clear picture into the future of the asset. To be on the right side of this sword, it is imperative that portfolio managers correctly implement quantitative reasoning if not within their decision-making process, then definitely around it. This article introduces the theory of mutual information as a tool for asset managers to gauge the predictive efficiency of their selected variables.

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