
The Worst One-Day Shocks and The Biggest Geopolitical Events of the Past Century

11.July 2022

We dedicated several articles to how we created 100-year history for bonds, stocks, and commodities . Now we analyze the 50 worst one-day shocks and the following days in each of the abovementioned asset classes. In addition to that, we also look at how the multi-asset trend-following strategy performed during the same periods. Further, the second part of this article focuses on critical geopolitical events (the starts of major wars, international crises, and deterioration of US presidents’ health) and their effect on bonds, stocks, commodities, and the multi-asset trend-following strategy.

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Trend-Following in the Times of Crisis

10.June 2022

When someone mentions a financial crisis, most people immediately think of the global financial crisis of 2007-2008. Even though this is the most significant economic crisis in recent years, there have been many more significant crisis periods in the past 100 years. This article examines the biggest crises in three asset classes: stocks, bonds, and commodities, during the past century. Additionally, we analyze the behavior of our trend-following strategy during each of the crisis periods and propose it as a hedge for the stock, bond, and/or commodity markets.

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100-Years of Multi-Asset Trend-Following

27.May 2022

Trend-following strategies have gained extreme popularity in the recent decade. Almost every asset manager utilizes trend following, or momentum, in some form – whether consciously or subconsciously. We at Quantpedia are convinced that each and every strategy has to be scrutinized thoroughly before it’s put into use. This is one of our motivations why we will introduce to you our framework for building a 100-year daily history of a multi-asset trend-following strategy today.

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Trend-following and Mean-reversion in Bitcoin

15.March 2022

Indisputably, trend-following and mean-reversion are two key concepts in quantitative investing or technical analysis. What about the Bitcoin? Are there trend-following or mean-reversion patterns? Or are both effects present and co-exist? In this short research, we examine how Bitcoin’s price is affected by its maximal or minimal price over the previous 10 to 50 days. Our finding shows that when the BTC is at the local maxima, it tends to continue trending upwards. Furthermore, the local minima are also connected with abnormal price action.

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A New Return Asymmetry Investment Factor in Commodity Futures

8.September 2021

As mentioned several times, Quantpedia is a big fan of transferring ideas from one asset class to another. This article is another example; we use an idea originally tested on Chinese stocks and apply it to the commodity futures investment universe. The resultant return new asymmetry investment factor in commodities is an interesting trading strategy unrelated to other common factors and has a slightly negative correlation to the equity market and can be therefore used as an excellent diversifier in multi-asset multi-strategy portfolios.

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