Market timing

Stock Returns vs Inflation Expectations

14.December 2022

What happens to the stock prices when inflation expectations decrease or increase? The authors Manav Chaudhary and Benjamin Marrow, in their paper Inflation Expectations and Stock Returns, explore this topic and find that when inflation expectation is high, stock prices also rise in their value. The evidence they present suggests that stocks have been a hedge against expected inflation for the last couple of decades and that this effect is present across stocks from all industries.

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How to Paper Trade Quantpedia Backtests

18.November 2022

Quantpedia’s mission is simple – we want to analyze and process academic research related to quant/algo trading and simplify it into a more user-friendly form to help everyone who looks for new trading strategy ideas. It also means that we are a highly focused quant-research company, not an asset manager, and we do not manage any clients’ funds or managed accounts. But sometimes, our readers contact us with a request to help them to translate strategy backtests performed in Quantconnect into paper trading or real-trading environment. The following article is a short case study that contains a few useful tips on how to do it.

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A Simple Approach to Market-Timing Strategy Replication

11.November 2022

In previous articles, we discussed the ideas behind portfolio replication with market factors. However, overall robustness of the results suffers significantly if the model portfolio or trading strategy we attempt to synthetize is driven by a market-timing model. We do not know the rules driving the underlying strategy we could apply ourselves beforehand. Furthermore, there is no simple mechanism of market-timing rule detection we could potentially utilize in our regression model. Hypothetically, we could include a variety of market-timing strategies into the factor universe. But since there are countless market-timing methods, covering everything is simply unrealistic. Particularly in context of historic factor universe construction. In an attempt to capture the effects of underlying timing rules, we came up with a simple approach to address this problem to a somewhat satisfactory extent.

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Stock-Bond Correlation, an In-Depth Look

19.October 2022

The recent surge in global inflation sent shock waves across financial markets and affected the complicated relationship between stocks and bonds. Today, we would like to present you with a review of two interesting papers, which provide both a deep and easy-to-understand examination of the correlation structure of those two main asset classes. The first paper reviews specifics in various parts of the world, and the second one summarizes known information about the macroeconomic drivers of the US stock-bond correlation.

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Are FOMC Announcements Really Informative?

14.October 2022

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of Fed (Federal Reserve Board/System) meetings which bring announcements usually followed by press conferences are one of the most important events in the rich calendar of investors’ watch lists. They are always closely watched for possible trading opportunities and are full of volatile moves on both long and short sides in fronts of all asset classes ranging from forex, bonds, and equities to nowadays even crypto markets. In our today’s summary, we will take a closer look at some implications that those kinds of financial phenomena bring.

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Overnight Sentiment and the Intraday Return Dynamics

24.September 2022

Overnight and seasonality effects or analysis of sentiment are favorite themes in quantitative academic research. Novel and very recent research from Baoqing Gan, Vitali Alexeev, and Danny Yeung (August 2022) presents us with an opportunity to discover new findings related to both these phenomena. The main takeaway is that the accumulated sentiment from the overnight non-trading period can predict the next period’s intraday stock return.

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