Market timing

Automated Trading Edge Analysis

2.September 2022

Have you ever wondered if your trading asset trends or mean-reverts? Everyone involved in trading or investments daily solves the task of – What trading strategy should I apply to my assets to generate profits? As always, we at Quantpedia will try to help you a bit with this never-ending task with our new tool/report, which will be unveiled next week for all Quantpedia Pro subscribers. The following article serves as an introduction to the methodology we will use to find new trading edges for you automatically.

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Are There Intraday and Overnight Seasonality Effects in China?

26.August 2022

At the moment, there is a lot of attention surrounding overnight anomalies in various types of financial markets. While such effects have been well documented in research, especially in US equities and derivatives, there are other asset classes that are not as well addressed. A recent (2022) paper from Jiang, Luo, and Ye contributed appealing evidence in favor of validating these phenomena in the Chinese market. We highlight the finding that the market MKT factor beta premium is earned exclusively overnight and tend to reverse intraday (and in smaller potency also value HML and profitability RMW), which is the same finding as for the US equities. In contrast, the size SMB factor exhibit significantly opposite pattern: positive intraday premium and negative overnight premium (and the same for investment CMA factor).

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The Worst One-Day Shocks and The Biggest Geopolitical Events of the Past Century

11.July 2022

We dedicated several articles to how we created 100-year history for bonds, stocks, and commodities . Now we analyze the 50 worst one-day shocks and the following days in each of the abovementioned asset classes. In addition to that, we also look at how the multi-asset trend-following strategy performed during the same periods. Further, the second part of this article focuses on critical geopolitical events (the starts of major wars, international crises, and deterioration of US presidents’ health) and their effect on bonds, stocks, commodities, and the multi-asset trend-following strategy.

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Investor Sentiment and the Eurovision Song Contest

24.June 2022

The summer is slowly approaching; therefore, our new article will be on a little lighter tone. We will examine a research paper on a periodic event with sentiment implications. The authors (Abudy, Mugerman, Shust) focused on a specific song competition – the Eurovision Song Contest, an international song competition organized annually. They examined a positive swing in investor mood in the winning country the day after the Eurovision Song Contest and documented an average abnormal return of 0.381%. On the contrary, they did not find any negative sentiment in other participating countries.

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What’s the Best Factor for High Inflation Periods? – Part II

13.April 2022

This second article offers a different look at high inflation periods, which we already analyzed in What’s the Best Factor for High Inflation Periods? – Part I. The second part looks at factor performance during two 10-year periods of high inflation. What’s our main takeaway? The best hedge for a high inflation period is the value or momentum factor. Other promising factors (energy sector, small-cap stocks, or long-run reversal) don’t perform as consistently as value and momentum.

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