Introducing Quantpedia Answers
Dear readers,
Approximately 18 months ago, when we started Quantpedia Pro service, we promised to systematically expand its analytical capabilities by adding new tools and reports to it. We kept this promise and enlarged Quantpedia Pro to around 30 reports with hundreds of tables and charts. Factor regression analysis, risk scenarios, seasonality analysis, alternative weighting schemes, risk parity, CPPI, volatility targeting, correlation analysis, Markowitz portfolio optimization, clustering, market phases analysis, ETF replication etc. offer insight into the matters of portfolio construction or risk management. But our disciplined tempo also means that some users can become lost in the number of tools Quantpedia Pro offers.
Therefore, we would like to introduce to you our new Quantpedia Answers section, which contains practical examples of how to use the growing capabilities of Quantpedia Pro reporting. We will give you step-by-step guides on solving numerous problems or answering common questions that traders and portfolio managers can encounter.
So, what are the topics of the current articles or case studies we prepared?
Diversification – Is my portfolio diversified enough?
Portfolio investigation – What strategies/assets are in competing funds?
Investing/Divesting – Should I invest all at once or in parts?
Again diversification – What ETFs should I add to my portfolio?
Strategy replication – How to replicate a strategy with ETFs?
Optimization – Can I increase the return of my portfolio and not the risk?
Stress-testing – Can you stress test my portfolio?
Crisis alpha – How to protect my portfolio against bear market?
And that’s just the beginning.
We plan to add new case studies periodically every month for the foreseeable future. So what will we prepare for you for November? We will answer performance smoothing questions, analyze the performance of different strategy styles and try to give you an answer to the question of how to find out what portion of the investment portfolio should be optimally invested in cryptocurrencies.
So stay tuned up …
Radovan Vojtko
CEO & Head of Research
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